About Tay-Bay Swim | Celebrating Plastic Free July

by Taylor-Jane Bennett | Founder, Designer Tay-Bay is a sustainable swimwear line, ethically made from eco-friendly materials on the tropical island of Mauritius, off the east coast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.  Our products make use of high quality, sustainable fabric made from regenerated nylon taken from waste products collected out of the ocean.  […]

Upcycling vs Recyling the Oceans


Upcycling vs recycling; what’s the difference?  Upcycling and recycling. Two of the biggest buzz words in sustainable fashion. But what’s the difference? Take a deep dive into the manufacturing revolution changing the way we turn waste into incredible new stuff.  Reduce, reuse, recycle, repeat! Simply put, recycling breaks waste down to be made into new […]

Taylor-Jane; A Swimwear Designer from Africa

Tay-Bay Swimwear Inspired by her own personal journey Tay-Bay swimwear is a luxurious and seriously sexy brand ethically sourced and manufactured in Mauritius by its owner and designer Taylor-Jane Bennett.   Established in December 2020, the swimwear is made from material created from ‘Ghost-nets’, fishing nets that are discarded abandoned and drifting in the seas […]

Supporting the Environment and Local Communities Through Sustainable Fashion.

Young white female wearing a Yellow Tay-Bay Clifton Sustainable Swimwear Bikini posing in an ever-green tropical forest.

We all have a responsibility to protect our Mother Earth, and as people (and a brand), we at Tay-Bay are passionately dedicated to sustainability in all its forms. From our sexy and environmentally friendly upcycled bikinis to our efforts at home to live healthy, low-impact lifestyles, we’re doing our best to protect our world and […]

Welcome to Tay-Bay – Home of Sustainability Sexy Swimwear

You white girl posing in the ocean wearing a white Tay-Bay Capri Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Bikini

They say we are what we wear, and Tay-Bay is all about being proudly sustainable, environmentally conscious, and true to Mother Earth. And we dare say, we look damn sexy doing it! With roots in environmental conservation and design, Tay-Bay is proud to offer a range of eco-friendly designer swimwear for women of all shapes […]